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Tams & Gowns

Tams & Gowns

Academic Tams & Gowns for Ph.D. Graduates


Doctoral graduation ceremony is one of the vital ceremonies for Ph.D. graduates in their lives. It’s a good idea to wear GraduationMall’s deluxe doctoral caps and gowns which are customized upon your request. The custom doctoral graduation regalia represents all the efforts you’ve made while you were in the doctor program. To make you the focus of your graduation day, we will offer cozy and exquisite academic regalia, which is made of first-rate and durable materials.


You can fully customize your own unique doctoral graduation gown at Graduationmall. From velvet colors to piping colors, you can choose the right one for yourself. Our veteran tailors will create the gown according to your needs. Wear our graduation regalia can make your graduation more special and meaningful.


Graduates’ doctoral tams are the most notable accessory during the graduation ceremony. Our graduation caps are made of superior and soft velvet with the gold bullion tassels. We offer a wide range of classical styles and sizes to make the doctoral tam an ideal fit for each excellent Ph.D. graduate. You can also choose the traditional tam of 4, 6 or 8 sides, with black or blue colors. Just wear the doctoral tam with dignity and be proud of your achievement.


Order your proper doctoral gowns & tams at Graduationmall today! Overnight delivery service, affordable prices and high-quality craftsmanship you can trust. May you have a memorable graduation ceremony in our doctoral graduation gown.