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The History of Labor Day: Honoring the American Worker

Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September, is a significant holiday in the United States, dedicated to honoring the contributions and achievements of American workers. But how did this...

story of a soon-to-be graduate

Celebrating Milestones: How Graduation Deals Enhance Your Big Day

Graduation is not just a ceremony; it’s a milestone that marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and personal growth. It’s a day of pride, joy, and celebration. At GraduationMal...

What Graduates Can Do Instead of Getting a Full-time Job

What Graduates Can Do Instead of Getting a Full-time Job

To start a new life, a steady source of income seems to be necessary. In this case, most graduates are eager for a full-time job. There is no doubt that an ideal full-time job is a shortcut to succ...

Tips for Writing an Impressive Resume

Tips for Writing an Impressive Resume

No matter you're seeking to quickly climb the career ladder after the commencement or intend to make a career shift, the procedure begins with writing or modifying your CV which determines your pos...

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Summer Placement

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Summer Placement

Summer Placement FairConcerning the rising competition and increasing monthly resignation rate in the workplace nowadays, those idle summer days by the seaside have gone forever. College students a...

Ultimate Graduation Guide to Post-High School Life

High school graduation is an indispensable step of immense significance in the continuing journey of everyone's life. It is the chapter not only of personal commitment and accomplishments but also ...